A letter from Michael Ruhling (Past President, HSNA)

Dear Haydn Society of North America members,

I was sitting at a table at the Hotel Ohr in Eisenstadt in August 2005, having beer and wine with, among others, Michael and Kathleen Lamkin, Rebecca Marchand, and Walter Reicher, Intendant of the Haydn Festspiele.  We were discussing the success of the conferences hosted by the Haydn Society of California at Scripps College, when someone floated the idea of expanding it into a national or continental organization.  Those around the table believed I should be the one to move this idea forward.  On November 4 of the following year, in Los Angeles, we held the inaugural meeting of the Haydn Society of North America, and I was appointed president. 

It has been my sincere pleasure to serve as president of HSNA for over ten years.  During that time HSNA has held several conferences, most notably the 2009 conference in Cambridge, MA, developed our own web site, printed newsletters, and created a unique online journal that will soon publish its twelfth issue.  I think it is fair to say that HSNA has done a fair job of expanding Haydn scholarship here and abroad, and positively influencing the performance and pedagogy of his music.  Our members are engaged in writing, performing, lecturing, and teaching all over the country and world.  I am pleased about all of this, but even more honored to be associated with all of the fine and generous people I have worked with because of HSNA.  My sincerest thanks to all of you, but especially to those of you who have been officers and directors-at-large! 

As we begin this year with our new president Mary Sue Morrow, I trust all of us look forward to continuing our activities with the same enthusiasm, spirit, and charity, that you have displayed so often and so consistently.  Among the most immediate initiatives in the coming months are:

  • Increasing membership
  • Continuing to expand the online journal in the number and quality of scholarly submissions, and in readership through institutional and individual subscriptions
  • Planning conferences, both on our own and collaboratively with other groups
  • Working with our sister societies (SECM, MSA, American Handel Society, etc.) to find mutually beneficial areas of cooperation
  • Developing ways of supporting and encouraging younger scholars and performers
  • Increasing the endowment


Please offer Mary Sue, Michael, Alex, and Bruce, along with the Board of Directors, any ideas you might have on these issues, and continue to energetically support the work of the Society.

With best wishes for the coming year, and years,

Yours Sincerely,

Michael E. Ruhling,

Past President, HSNA


HSNA Newsletter (March 2017)


Happy Birthday, Joseph Haydn (and a happy 200th to the Handel & Haydn Society!)